Cast of Characters
Elodia’s Knife
Meet Elodia, a formidable Gothic woman whose strength extends beyond the physical. She has not chosen the warrior’s path so she navigates the challenges of her world, not through sword and strength, but through intelligence, wisdom, and a resolute spirit.
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At a time when women have little opportunity to exercise those virtues, Elodia’s beauty allows her to stand out in a crowd. It brings her to the attention of those who can see beyond her natural appeal, who can truly befriend her, and can benefit from her brilliance. But for the others, her beauty is a curse and subjects her to unwelcome and dangerous attention. She must learn to deal with all who come within her influence.
Explore the layers of Elodia’s character as she embarks on a journey that transcends the boundaries of time and circumstance. Witness her strength, ingenuity, and courage as she forges her destiny in the captivating narrative of “Elodia’s Knife.”

Introducing Caius, a Roman legionary whose rugged exterior conceals a heart of gold. Tough as nails and adorned with a craggy charm, Caius is a man whose appeal surpasses conventional notions of attractiveness. Though it’s not his looks, but his deeds and the substance of his character that win Elodia’s heart. His love for Elodia is immediate, sparked not by mere physical attraction but by the profound connection that forms at first sight.
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Standing tall and massive, Caius is a literal giant, a formidable figure with a towering presence that sets him apart. Dark hair, trimmed short, frames a face weathered by battles and hardships, creating a captivating contrast to the stereotype of a polished Roman soldier.
Journey with Caius as he navigates the intricacies of love and loyalty, his massive presence concealing a tenderness that plays a pivotal role in the unfolding tale of “Elodia’s Knife.”

Meet Bitorix, a Roman officer who embodies the notion of form over substance.
Enormously handsome and possessing a physique that commands attention, Bitorix is the epitome of classical beauty, marred only by the unsettling gaze of his cold, dead blue eyes — akin to the vacant stare of a fish.
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Tall and blond, with a muscular and well-built frame, Bitorix carries an air of pride that stems from both his physical beauty and his military rank. Yet, beneath the veneer of attractiveness lies the shallowness that defines his character. His obsession with Elodia, born from a superficial first glance, takes a dark turn when his attempts to win her affection are rebuffed.
Delve through the complex layers of Bitorix’s character as he grapples with the consequences of his infatuation and the haunting repercussions of his actions in the evocative story of “Elodia’s Knife.”

Enter Fritigern, the formidable king of the Goths, a complex figure whose commanding presence conceals both charm and flaws. At thirty years of age, Fritigern stands a formidable six feet tall, his broad shoulders and muscular arms adorned with golden bangles that hint at both regality and strength.
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Fritigern’s physical stature is impressive, matching that of Caius. He exudes warmth and sincerity, a charismatic leader whose demeanor draws people toward him. Always concerned that he remain attractive, he wears his black hair long, and regularly trims his beard and mustache.
He is a king with a purpose. His actions are driven by the desire to ensure the survival of his people. His treatment of others is marked by a pragmatic approach – kindness is extended when it aligns with his goals. He enjoy women wherever he finds them. This becomes evident to Elodia when she begins to fall for him.
Study the intricate web of Fritigern’s character as he grapples with the complications of leadership, love, and sacrifice in the enthralling chronicle of “Elodia’s Knife.

Introducing Military Count Lupicinus, a Roman general whose imposing presence is matched only by his cruelty and lack of scruples.
A massive man, Lupicinus is known to history, not for his valor on the battlefield, but for his complete lack of ethical boundaries. His rotund frame, marked by an enormous and incredible fatness, stands in stark contrast to the nobility one might expect from a high-ranking Roman military figure.
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Towering atop an equally massive horse, both adorned with ostentatious displays of gold, Lupicinus commands attention, though the nature of his authority is tainted by a distinct lack of moral principles.
Walk through the morally turbulent terrain of “Elodia’s Knife” as Lupicinus’s character weaves a dark thread into the tapestry of this gripping historical fiction.

Meet Gosvintha, a fierce and untamed female Gothic warrior, a force of nature within the world of “Elodia’s Knife.” Contrary to societal expectations, Gosvintha defies traditional roles, enjoying a life of combat over domesticity. Her character embodies the wild spirit of a barbarian warrior, and evades the responsibilities of hearth and home. Gosvintha takes lovers as she finds them, embracing a freedom rarely afforded to women of her time.
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Her appearance reflects the ruggedness of her lifestyle. Compact yet possessing broad shoulders, she exudes strength and resilience. Her short black hair, framing a handsome face, adds to her overall aura of fierceness. However, this striking visage carries the mark of battle – a prominent scar running from cheek to ear, a testament to the hardships she has endured.
Embark on a thrilling journey with Gosvintha as she navigates a world of battles, lovers, and unconventional choices in the colorful tapestry of “Elodia’s Knife.”

Meet Artos, the spirited and carefree boy who enters the narrative as the natural son of Gosvintha and Fritigern. At around the age of 10, Artos represents the innocence within the tumultuous world of “Elodia’s Knife.” He has ragged black hair that has never seen a comb or brush. Its length is irregular because he himself cuts it with a knife when it’s length bothers him. His toothy grin and disheveled appearance captures the essence of youthful exuberance.
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Artos, with his boundless energy and curiosity, serves as a poignant reminder of the fragile beauty that exists amidst the chaos of historical events and conflicts. His interactions with Elodia provide moments of tenderness, highlighting the delicate balance between the harsh realities of the world and the simple joys found in the companionship of a child.
Journey with Artos as he brings a touch of warmth to the pages of “Elodia’s Knife,” a beacon of light in a narrative that weaves together the complexities of history, war, and the enduring power of human connections.


Gothic Gods
Eir: Goddess of Healing
Freya: Goddess of Love & Fertility
Odin: God of War & Death
Ithunn: Goddess of Spring
Skadi: Goddess of Winter & Hunting
Christian God (Arian Heresy)
Jesus Son of God (created, not co-eternal)

Eastern Emperor
Gratian: reign 367 to 383, Nephew of Valens
Western Emperor
Theodosius: reign 379 to 395, Successor of Valens
Valens: reign 364 to 378

Alatheus: Greutungi Leader
Alavivus: Old King of the Goths
Bandar: Chief of Silvan’s Clan
Boderus: Chief of Dondori Clan
Farnobius: Greutungi Leader
Fritigern Tervingi: Leader, Chief of Balti Clan
Rodericus Son of Boderus

The Young Goths
Arbrun: Leader of the Young Goths
Bort: Arbrun’s Younger Brother
Jellena: Arbrun’s Younger Sister
Karl: Friend of Arbrun, Jellena’s Husband
Silvan: Karl’s Younger Sister & Elodia’s best friend
Other Goths
Artos/Alaric: Son of Fritigern and Gosvintha
Athena: Sister of Rodericus
Avagis: Warrior
Elodia: Gothic Woman
Gavar: Son of Nedarcus, Bodyguard of Fritigern
Gotheric: Son of Nedarcus, Bodyguard of Fritigern
Gosvintha: Woman Warrior
Heva: Avagis’s Daughter
Nedarcus: Medicus (Doctor)
Salonia: Gothic Wife of Roman Baker

Aequitius: Marshal of the Court
Arbogast: General
Barzimeres: Commander of the Guards
Bauto: Magister Militum (Master of Army)
Bitorix: Military Tribune, later Centurion
Frigiderus: General
Lupicinus: Military Count of Thracia
Profuturus: Military Commander
Sebastianus: Magister Peditum (Master of Infantry)
Traianus: Magister Peditum (Master of Infantry)
Limitanei (Border Legionaries)
Arruntius: Pedes
Caius: Pedes
Evander: Pedes
Glabius: Pedes
Grainus: Decanus
Marius: Pedes
Minicius: Pedes
Polybius: Pedes
Titus: Pedes

Roman Civilians
Licinius Sabinus: Wealthy Aristocrat
Julius Sabinus: Son of Licinius Sabinus
Tosca Volesus: Wealthy Senator